Composure is actually a term of Buddhism, which refers to solid faith, peaceful heart, restricted material desire, environment adaptability, intellectual enlightenment and truth interpretation. 定力本是佛家语,指理念坚固、心地清净、克制物欲、适应环境的意志和开启智慧、觉悟真理的心源。
They are on the whole better epigraphists. Owing to the intensive interest in textual criticism of this period, antiquarian studies were much encouraged, as they offered so much new material, and were evidently helpful in the study and interpretation of ancient classics. 由于这一时期对于文本考据的浓厚兴趣,古物研究得到大力提倡,因为它们提供了如此多的新材料,对于研究和解释古代经典显然极有帮助。
PCR technology is one of important means for the test of outmoded, polluted, decayed, degraded and micro material evidence, and makes the authentic interpretation about explaining Kanasi guess. PCR技术是陈旧、污染、腐败、降解和微量物证检验的重要手段之一,在破解喀纳斯猜想中作出了权威解释。
The extent of protection in practice may to some extent depend upon the nature of the material and the interpretation of the law in different countries. 在实际操作中的保护程度在某种程度上取决于材料的性质和不同的国家的法律的解释。
Material imposition principle, one of principles of tax law interpretation, can remedy the deficiency of principle of legal tax. 作为税法解释原则之一的实质课税原则,可以有力地弥补僵化理解税收法定主义给税收公平原则造成的损害。
Modernization of the contractual relationship includes not only conversion of instructional rules but also material regulations, for instance, system of master, content and interpretation. 合同关系的现代化不仅是指导准则的转变,同时在具体制度上亦有若干具体表现,例如合同主体制度、合同内容制度以及合同解释制度。
The data management of the log material handle interpretation workstation 测井资料处理解释工作站上的数据管理
The Appraisal of and Relationship between Source Material of Ci Poetry and Its Interpretation 词本事与词诠释之关系及其评价
Considers that, when translating the tourism material of source language culture and social customs, the translator can adopt the interpretation of a direct translation. 认为介绍原语文化、社会风情的旅游资料多采用直接翻译的阐释法为好。
In the same observing ( Stereoscope magnification and material of photo), the difference of interpretation ability of interpreter, but using the key table of interpretation or the method of computer aiding interpretation, we can get higher accuracy of interpretation. 在判读观察条件相同时,不同树种的判读精度主要受判读者能力的影响,但通过使用像片判读检索表和计算机辅助判读的方法更能提高判读效果。
Difficult Alternative between Spirit and Material& Interpretation of the Prototype of Zeng Shu sheng's Figure 精神与物质的两难选择&曾树生人物形象的原型解读
They have not only astonishing similarities but also outstanding differences in their academic character, research interest, language tool, material foundation, cultural trend, collaboration consciousness, relation of history and poetry, interpretation tendency etc. 他们在学术品格、治学兴趣、语言工具、材料基础、文化取向、打通意识、史诗关系和诠释向度等众多方面都既有惊人的类同之处,又有显著的不同之处。
The fourth part, with the aid of to shanxi reservoir resettlement in Wenzhou, I have the result of human capital development achievement of involuntary resettlement by objective material, interpretation of data. 第四部分,借助于温州珊溪水库移民案例,用客观资料、数据说明了非自愿移民的人力资本开发的成果。
Material labor and non-material labor can not reflect the new connotation of modern productivity. The new interpretation represents the beginning of a new era. 物质劳动与非物质劳动的二分并不能反映现代生产的新内涵,非物质劳动是对于社会生产的新解释,它代表了一个新时代的开始。
Since workspace is short of VSP material, the stratum unit demarcation with synthetic seismic record is the presupposition of structure interpretation and sand body trace and reservior prediction and so on. 由于工区范围内缺乏或没有VSP资料,利用合成地震记录进行地质层位标定是进行构造解释、砂体追踪及储层预测等工作的前提。
Using the core material establish the different reservoirs in the logging interpretation model of each small layer of second explanation. 利用岩心资料建立本区的不同油层组的测井解释模型。对各小层进行二次解释。
A new computational scheme is proposed to achieve the prediction of the elastic properties of porous material based on mathematical homogenization method. The step of achieving homogenization conveniently is put forward. And the mechanical concept and interpretation of formulas of mathematical homogenization method are revealed. 提出了基于数学均匀化方法实现多孔材料等效性能预测的一种新计算格式,给出了通过商用软件快速实现均匀化的步骤,揭示了数学均匀化方法列式的力学意义和解释。
Then through the application of the viscoelastic basic principle and taking into account the structure of the PP wood composite material, a thermo-viscoelastic constitutive model was derived, and the physical interpretation of every parameter was analyzed. 然后应用聚合物材料的粘弹性基本原理,并结合PP木复合材料的结构,导出了内饰件复合材料的粘弹性本构,并分析了各个参数的物理意义。
Although there is very little material to verify the origin of oral interpretation, it is certain that oral interpretation came into being along with the communication between different language users. 口译的起源虽无从查证,但可以确定的是随着不同语言的使用者间交往的增加,语言成为其沟通的障碍,口译活动由此应运而生。
In the design of the creative process, we can through various innovative practices, neo-classical design graphics used in various projects, and also through the different characteristics of the material objects, the use of advanced processing technology to the new interpretation of a classical graphics. 在设计创作的过程中,我们可以通过不同的创新手法,将新古典图形运用在各种设计项目中,也可以通过不同的物体的材质特征,利用先进的加工工艺来对新古典图形进行演绎。
Their research provides valuable reference material for interpretation of such meaningful proposition predicament. 他们的研究为解读人的困境等富有意义的命题提供了宝贵的参考资料。
Using of the material is understanding and interpretation of the potential significance of text, The essence of using textbook is communication and consultation of different understanding and interpretation. So as to achieve the integration of understanding. 教材使用的真谛在于通过对不同理解和解释的交流与磋商,从而达到理解的融合。
From choosing the material, and then facing the material until the interpretation the material, during this process, trying to establish the preliminary understanding of sculpture gradually and to realize the significance of your personal status when you faced material. 从选择材料、直面材料到解读材料;在雕塑过程中逐步建立对雕塑的初步认识。以及在面对材料的过程中个人状态的重要性。
Moreover, this thesis is also an attempt to apply foreign linguistic theories to the study of the Chinese language by taking Chinese literature as the research material, providing a reasonable paradigm of meaning interpretation for understanding the metaphors in Chinese language. 本论文以中国文学作品为语料,将国外语言学理论洋为中用,为理解汉语本体中的隐喻提供了一个合理的意义解读范式。
With other geophysical exploration methods, data quality is a foundation, and material handling, they are the key for geological interpretation is most important. 同其他地球物理勘探方法一样,数据质量是基础,而资料的处理则是关键,它们对于地质解释至为重要。
Then this paper discusses the architectural form of non-linear aesthetic pursuit, from people about material and spiritual needs, interpretation of the nonlinear material properties of both architectural and spiritual characteristics of the property. 接着本文探讨了非线性建筑形态的美学追求,从人的物质需求和精神需求谈起,解读了非线性建筑同时具有物质属性和精神属性的特点。
Research on the arrangement of material, interpretation of the results, shape analysis and interpretation has made a lot of achievements. 古文字美化的研究在美化饰笔材料的整理、饰笔演变结果的阐释和单字的形体分析与考释上取得了很多成就。
In micro-scope, as a branch of material interpretation, semantic interpretation provides approaches and limits the boundary for the conclusion of criminal interpretation. 微观层面考察,做为实质解释方法之一的刑法文义解释为刑法解释结论提供了素材、划定了范围。